Magically Better Me!

By Barry Shin
Genre: Middle Grade / Short Stories
Reviewed by Jaylynn Korrell
An unexpected insect makes a big impact in
this feel-good story collection
There are lessons to be learned with every obstacle.
Or, at least that’s how one ladybug sees it.
Magically Better Me is a collection of two short stories
that center around an impressive insect who can not
only speak, but acts as the positive voice that two
characters need during a time of upheaval and change.
In this work of “common sense stories,” Barry Shin
takes readers on a passage through gorgeous natural environments, tough times, and
the possibilities that come with changing your mindset.
The two stories in Magically Batter Me center around a main character working
through a time of change. Both are experiencing a kind of change that they haven’t
had to tackle before, and it shifts their reality to a place where they cannot fully be
themselves. Courtesy Independent Book Review.

Common Sense Stories by BARRY SHIN
When Paka moves from the city to the country, it’s hard to fit in at school. He struggles to make friends and feels lonely. That all starts to change when Paka makes a special friend while playing by the creek, Lady Mady Bug. She is a wise ladybug who can speak and offers up words of wisdom on how to solve even the toughest problems! Learn about Lady Mady Bug’s magical wisdom in a charming story, which strives to appeal to all young readers, but especially those who are struggling with change in their life.
Neither this book nor any parts within it may be sold or reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author.
The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review. The cover design, interior formatting, typesetting, and editorial work for this book are entirely the product of the author. Gatekeeper Press did not participate in and is not responsible for any aspect of these elements.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2023934557
ISBN (paperback): 9781662938580
eISBN: 9781662938597
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, and events in this book are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. The views and opinions expressed in this book are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views or opinions of Gatekeeper Press. Gatekeeper Press is not to be held responsible for and expressly disclaims responsibility for the content herein. Magically Better Me: Common Sense Stories Published by Gatekeeper Press 7853 Gunn Hwy, Suite 209, Tampa, FL 33626 Copyright © 2023 by Barry Shin All rights reserved.
"I have worked nearly all of my adult life understanding and assisting people with problems small and large on a personal and social level. I am not a minister or clinical psychologist nor am I able to provide emotional philanthropy for everyone. My goal is to provide long term solutions with the simplest of methods and understandings as taught to me as a child. ‘Use your Common sense’ was a widely used phrase in my household while growing up. Saying the phrase out loud in times of indecision or errant behaviors was the dog whistle for the mind to pause, reflect on current issues and focusing on the goal at hand. I don’t hear the phrase used much more often anymore, likely because the making a rational decision for our young instead of trial and error testing is seemingly more efficient. I am certainly guilty of that behavior and secretly yearn for a future renaissance of creative thinkers."